Removing Popcorn Ceilings

Guide to Removing Popcorn Ceilings

On the off chance that you live in a house over 15 years of age, odds are you have popcorn roofs—which left style when they began. It very well may be a considerable measure of diligent work to get them down and may even be unsafe, yet in the event that you're refreshing your house, it's a need.
[caption id="attachment_23" align="aligncenter" width="730"]REMOVING POPCORN CEILINGS REMOVING POPCORN CEILINGS[/caption]
Take after this DIY manual for expelling your popcorn roofs, or call an mmstec painters expert to take care of business right.


Most paint employments require a considerable amount of hardware, and this is no special case. In case you're a major aficionado of DIY, at that point you in all likelihood have a portion of these things as of now on tap.
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Rosin paper
  • Painter's tape
  • Clothes
  • Putty cut
  • Pump up sprayer
  • Fluid dish washing cleanser
  • 6" or more extensive floor scrubber
  • Sanding cushion (with handle)
  • Drywall joint compound and tape
  • Defensive hardware


Evacuating your popcorn roof can be a chaotic activity, so legitimate planning strategies are essential to forgo harming your dividers or floor.
  1. Conceal or expel all furniture from the room.
  2. Conceal any vents with plastic.
  3. Cover divider outlets and switches with plastic, fixing them with painter's tape
  4. Cover the floor with plastic, going up the divider about a foot and fixing with painter's tape.
  5. Finally, line the edge of the roof with painter's tape.

Bringing it down

In reality scratching the surface off the roof is the crucial step; make certain to wear defensive hardware and don't do anything on the off chance that you figure your roof may have asbestos.
  1. On the off chance that the roof isn't painted, fill a draw sprayer with warm water, including 2-3 tablespoons of dish cleanser per gallon of water.
  2. Vigorously splash a 4-6 foot square segment of the roof with the arrangement; sufficiently wet to slacken it, however not all that wet that it sinks into the drywall underneath.
  3. Give it a chance to douse for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Utilize a story scrubber, or comparable wide edge device, to tenderly rub away the popcorn surface. Make a point not to tear the drywall beneath the surface.
  5. In the event that the surface is more hard to evacuate, splash it once more, let it drench, and have a go at scratching once more.
  6. Utilize a putty blade to rub away any buildup and get into the corners.

Completing Contacts

No activity is immaculate, so you'll likely need to do some repair and completing contacts after the surface has been expelled.
  1. Supplant harmed drywall tape and smooth out the joints with joint compound.
  2. Once the repair work has dried, sand the roof with a since a long time ago took care of sanding cushion. Just sand the spots that are uneven, in light of the fact that an excess of sanding can harm the roof.
  3. The last touch is to prime and paint the roof, and appreciate your diligent work!


Home change or repair occupations can be untidy or even perilous, so now and again the best choice is to contract an expert. In the event that your home hints at any of the accompanying, call your neighborhood Secure Painters to take care of business securely.
- Asbestos: in home worked before 1980, the roofs and dividers may contain asbestos and ought to be tried before evacuated. In spite of the fact that it doesn't represent a wellbeing hazard if left immaculate, expelling surface that contains asbestos can make the filaments stall out in your lungs.
- Painted Roof: another potential issue is roofs that are as of now painted. This keeps the popcorn surface from dousing up the water arrangement that is expected to expel it. Normally, a cruel compound arrangement is required to breakdown the paint obstruction and start evacuating the surface underneath.
Since you know how to evacuate your popcorn surface roof, you can start the activity and say farewell to the old occasions. In the event that you require help painting a while later, or would rather have an expert carry out the activity, call mmstec painters for a crisp coat you'll cherish, and look at more tips and traps here.



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