Guide to Removing Popcorn Ceilings

Guide to Removing Popcorn Ceilings On the off chance that you live in a house over 15 years of age, odds are you have popcorn roofs—which left style when they began. It very well may be a great deal of diligent work to get them down and may even be perilous, yet in case you're refreshing or moving your home , it might be a need. Hardware Most paint occupations require a considerable amount of gear, and this is no special case. In the event that you're a major fanatic of DIY, you in all likelihood have a portion of these things as of now on tap. Plastic sheeting Rosin paper Painter's tape Clothes Putty cut Siphon up sprayer Fluid dish washing cleanser 6" or more extensive floor scrubber Sanding cushion (with handle) Drywall joint compound and tape Defensive gear Arrangement Expelling your popcorn roof can be a chaotic activity, so legitimate planning strategies are critical so as to cease from harming your dividers or floor. Conceal or expel...